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Showing posts from June, 2019

“Not good enough”

Is the government following a highly risky tactic or May is bluffing when saying than 'no deal is better than a bad deal'? The UK officially is on its way out of the European Union. Brexit poker game has only just started, but there is a lot more to come up. Is the government following a highly risky tactic or May is bluffing when saying than “no deal is better than a bad deal. Brexit Deal "I'm pretty sure, I am not 100% sure, you can never be, it's a negotiation”, said Brexit Secretary, David Davis, who began negotiations with the EU over the UK's departure, in BBC.Maybe May is holding all the cards on Brexit –including jokers. But what does that mean? May on Thursday night, claimed that there will be a fair attempt – “a fair and serious offer” to safeguard the rights of 3.5 million EU citizens in the UK and 1.2 million Britons in the EU. ”I want to reassure all those EU citizens who are in the UK, who have made their lives and homes in the UK, that no one